Diverse Flows Drive Increase in U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Population
MPI estimates 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants lived in the United States as of mid-2022, up from 11.2 million a year earlier. While the country has witnessed high levels of arrivals at the...
View ArticleImmigrants from the Dominican Republic in the United States
The United States is home to about three-quarters of all Dominican migrants worldwide. Dominicans comprise one of the largest group of U.S. Caribbean immigrants, and most live in the New York City...
View ArticleInmigrantes de la República Dominicana en Estados Unidos
Mientras que los inmigrantes de la República Dominicana representan solo el 3 por ciento de un total de 46.2 millones de inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, esta población esta creciendo mucho más rápido...
View ArticleU.S. Legal Pathways for Mexican and Central American Immigrants, by the Numbers
Policymakers across the Americas are weighing whether and how to expand legal migration pathways as alternatives to unauthorized movement. But what pathways already exist, and how widely are they used?...
View ArticleBeyond the “Black Jobs” Controversy: Immigrants and U.S.-Born Black Workers...
The controversy over whether immigrants have taken "Black jobs" obscures the reality that U.S. job growth has been such that foreign-born workers' growing share of the U.S. labor market and expanded...
View ArticleCollege-Educated Immigrants in the United States
A rising number of immigrants in the United States are college educated. Nearly half of recent arrivals come with a college degree, well in excess of the 36 percent for all U.S.-born adults. This...
View ArticleSwitzerland Comes to Terms with Being a Country of Immigration
Immigration has shaped modern Switzerland, at times in ways different than expected. Its foreign-born population share is larger than that of many other European countries or the United States. Yet the...
View ArticleMexican Immigrants in the United States
The number of Mexican immigrants in the United States dropped by about 1 million from 2010 to 2022, but has since rebounded to an extent while remaining below its peak. Mexicans are by far the largest...
View ArticleInmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos
Los mexicanos son el mayor grupo de inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, con cerca del 23 por ciento del total de 47.8 millones de residentes nacidos en el extranjero en 2023. Este artículo de enfoque...
View ArticleExplainer: Who Are Immigrants in the United States?
With immigration a central focus in U.S. public and policy conversations, it is useful to have a solid understanding of the foreign-born population. This explainer offers statistics on the immigrant...
View ArticleNew Zealand: From Settler Colony to Country Reliant on Temporary Immigration
New Zealand, once chiefly a destination for British and Irish settlers, has become a destination for temporary labor and student migration from Asia and beyond. Immigrants comprised 29 percent of the...
View ArticleThe Overlooked Impact of Immigration on the Size of the Future U.S. Workforce
Immigrant-origin individuals have been the driving force behind U.S. demographic growth in the United States over the past two decades. Changing immigration policy could significantly influence how...
View ArticleIndian Immigrants in the United States
Indians comprise one of the largest and fastest-growing immigrant populations in the United States. Compared to both the overall immigrant population and the U.S. born, Indian immigrants are much more...
View ArticleTowards the More Effective Use of Irregular Migration Data in Policymaking
Numbers play a major role in European debates and policymaking related to irregular migration. Yet, reliable data and estimates of irregular migrant populations, border crossings, and other relevant...
View ArticleExploring Refugees’ Intentions to Return to Ukraine: Data Insights and Policy...
The European response to displacement from Ukraine has been unprecedented. Yet as the war has stretched on, uncertainty has grown about whether and when refugees will be able to return home. This...
View ArticleChinese Immigrants in the United States
Chinese immigrants comprise the third largest foreign-born group in the United States, although numbers declined slightly following the COVID-19 pandemic's outbreak. Historical arrivals of laborers...
View ArticleThe Unauthorized Immigrant Population Expands amid Record U.S.-Mexico Border...
The U.S. unauthorized immigrant population stood at 13.7 million as of mid-2023. The result of strong U.S. economic recovery from the pandemic and displacement in Latin America, the increase in the...
View ArticleVenezuelan Immigrants in the United States
The Venezuelan immigrant population in the United States has grown quickly, amid a spiraling economic and political crisis in Venezuela that resulted in the exodus of millions of Venezuelans, most...
View ArticleInmigrantes venezolanos en Estados Unidos
La población de inmigrantes venezolanos en Estados Unidos ha crecido rápidamente en los últimos años, en medio de la creciente crisis económica y política en Venezuela. Aproximadamente la mitad de los...
View ArticleNorway: Rising Immigration in a Welfare State
Norway has transformed from a historically homogeneous society to one where one-fifth of residents are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Economic opportunities, a strong welfare state, and...
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