Chilling Effects: The Expected Public Charge Rule and Its Impact on Legal...
According to leaked drafts, the Trump administration is considering a rule that could have sweeping effects on both legal immigration to the United States and the use of public benefits by legal...
View ArticleChilling Effects: The Expected Public-Charge Rule and Its Impact on Immigrant...
This webinar highlights findings from an MPI report examining the potential impacts of expected changes to the public charge rule by the Trump administration. Leaked draft versions suggest the rule...
View ArticleA Walk-Through on How to Find Top Immigration Stats on the Web
Where can you find the most accurate statistics on some of the top immigration issues—ranging from the size of immigrant and emigrant populations, to humanitarian and labor flows, naturalization rates,...
View ArticleImmigrants in the U.S. States with the Fastest-Growing Foreign-Born Populations
The immigrant population in the United States grew faster than the national average in a number of states—including Alaska, Minnesota, Nevada, North Dakota, and West Virginia—from 2010 to 2016. This...
View ArticleEuropean Immigrants in the United States
European immigrants in the United States have largely dwindled in number since 1960, after historically making up the bulk of immigration to the country. Today, immigrants from Eastern Europe account...
View ArticleEgypt: Migration and Diaspora Politics in an Emerging Transit Country
From being a source of labor emigration to the Gulf region to a destination for refugees from Syria, sub-Saharan Africa, and elsewhere, Egypt has long experienced different forms of mobility. This...
View ArticleDeciding Which Road to Take: Insights into How Migrants and Refugees in...
EU policy debates about moving asylum seekers from overburdened frontline countries, such as Greece and Italy, to other Member States rarely consider how migrants form and act on preferences for...
View ArticleThrough the Back Door: Remaking the Immigration System via the Expected...
A Trump administration “public-charge” rule expected to be unveiled soon could create the potential to significantly reshape family-based legal immigration to the United States—and reduce arrivals from...
View ArticleEl Salvador: Civil War, Natural Disasters, and Gang Violence Drive Migration
El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America yet the most densely populated. A stagnant economy, high levels of crime and violence, and natural disasters have pushed growing numbers of people...
View ArticleEnglish Learners in Select States: Demographics, Outcomes, and State...
States are in the midst of designing new policies to hold schools accountable for the education of English Learner (EL) students, as mandated by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This...
View ArticleVietnamese Immigrants in the United States
The Vietnamese immigrant population in the United States has grown significantly since the end of the Vietnam War, making it the sixth-largest foreign-born population in the country. The main modes of...
View ArticleIndonesia: A Country Grappling with Migrant Protection at Home and Abroad
Indonesia, which has a long history as a major origin for migrant labor in the Asia-Pacific and beyond, more recently has reluctantly found itself a transit and destination country, including for...
View ArticleA Profile of Houston’s Diverse Immigrant Population in a Rapidly Changing...
The Houston metro area, home to 1.6 million immigrants, is diverse and rapidly growing. This report sketches the area's immigrant population, examining top origin countries, key socioeconomic measures,...
View ArticlePeople Leave Footprints: Millions More Unauthorized Immigrants Cannot Be...
In a commentary, MPI and Penn State researchers explain why an academic article suggesting the unauthorized population is significantly higher than previously estimated derives from seriously flawed...
View ArticleMexican Immigrants in the United States
For decades, Mexicans have been the largest immigrant group in the United States. While this is still the case, the Mexican immigrant population is no longer growing at the rate it once was. In fact,...
View ArticleCensus Citizenship Question Triggers Legal and Political Fallout
Legal and political controversy surrounds the Trump administration's decision to include a question on citizenship status in the 2020 decennial census, the first such inclusion since the 1950 census....
View ArticleSouth American Immigrants in the United States
South Americans represent a small, but growing share of immigrants in the United States, composing 7 percent of country’s total foreign-born population. Recent growth has been marked by an uptick in...
View ArticleSettling In: A Profile of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population in the...
This fact sheet and accompanying interactive data tools provide characteristics of the estimated 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States, using a unique MPI methodology that assigns...
View ArticleGauging the Impact of DHS’ Proposed Public-Charge Rule on U.S. Immigration
Most recent U.S. legal permanent residents could have found themselves at risk of green-card denial had they been assessed under a proposed Trump administration public-charge rule that would apply a...
View ArticleMinnesota’s Superdiverse and Growing Dual Language Learner Child Population
Dual Language Learners (DLLs) are a growing segment of the Minnesota young child population, and a particularly "superdiverse" one with myriad origins, cultures, and languages—a new reality other...
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