Cuban Immigrants in the United States
Cubans comprise the largest Caribbean immigrant group in the United States, and for decades have benefitted from uniquely preferential immigration programs. The population is growing, as recent years...
View ArticleA Turning Point for the Unauthorized Immigrant Population in the United States
The unauthorized immigrant population in the United States stood at approximately 11.2 million people in mid-2021, with larger annual growth than at any point since 2015, according to MPI's latest...
View ArticleA Shrinking Number of DACA Participants Face Yet Another Adverse Court Ruling
The DACA program has received another blow to its survival, with a federal court once again ruling that the executive branch exceeded its authority in creating the program. But with litigation likely...
View ArticleInmigrantes cubanos en los Estados Unidos
Los cubanos constituyen el mayor grupo de inmigrantes caribeños en Estados Unidos. La población está creciendo, ya que en los últimos años se ha producido la mayor oleada de emigración de la historia...
View ArticleShared Gains: Immigrant-Origin Students in U.S. Colleges
U.S. colleges and universities have seen enrollment fluctuate over the last 20 years, shaped by demographic and economic changes in the United States and shifting views of the value of higher...
View ArticleLeveraging Data to Ensure Equitable and Effective Adult Skills Programming...
Immigrants make significant contributions to the U.S. economy and social fabric, but many also face barriers to integration. Adult education and workforce development programs offer services intended...
View ArticleVietnamese Immigrants in the United States
The more than 1.3 million Vietnamese immigrants in the United States are the result of nearly 50 years of migration that began with the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. While early generations of...
View ArticleEcuador Juggles Rising Emigration and Challenges Accommodating Venezuelan...
Ecuador has emerged as a significant destination for Venezuelan migrants, and is also a sizable origin for people heading to the United States and Spain. The Andean nation has found itself enmeshed in...
View ArticleEcuador hace malabares con la creciente emigración y los desafíos para...
Ecuador se ha convertido en un destino importante para los migrantes sudamericanos, un país de tránsito para quienes se dirigen al norte y una fuente renovada de emigración. El pequeño país andino se...
View ArticleRecent Immigrant Children: A Profile of New Arrivals to U.S. Schools
A significant increase in the number of immigrant children in U.S. schools over the last decade has challenged K-12 educators to expand their capacity to serve students with different backgrounds and...
View ArticleShifting Patterns and Policies Reshape Migration to U.S.-Mexico Border in...
There is a deeper story behind the U.S. government's fiscal 2023 border encounters numbers than that the year marked a new record high. The pivot from the pandemic-era Title 42 expulsions policy and...
View ArticleThe World’s Leading Refugee Host, Turkey Has a Complex Migration History
Turkey is home to the world’s largest refugee population, a fact that has been a source of pride, a geopolitical tool, and a logistical challenge. This article shows how the millions of Syrians who...
View ArticleHaitian Immigrants in the United States
The United States is the world’s top destination for Haitian migrants, who in recent years have fled an array of disasters and crises. Compared to other immigrant groups in the United States, the...
View ArticleImmigration and Integration in the Ever More Diverse Houston Area
Nearly one-quarter of residents of the Houston metro area are immigrants. These foreign-born Houstonians come from an ever-wider range of countries and are well represented in high-demand industries,...
View ArticleEuropean Immigrants in the United States
One-tenth of all immigrants in the United States come from Europe, a vast decline from the mid-20th century, as migration within Europe has grown and more U.S. immigrants arrive from other...
View ArticleAfghan Immigrants in the United States
The Afghan immigrant population in the United States has grown dramatically since 2010, and particularly since the 2021 withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan. Most Afghans who obtained a green...
View ArticleFrequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United...
Immigration touches on many facets of life in the United States. Get the facts with this useful resource, which compiles in one place answers to some of the most often-asked questions about immigration...
View ArticleSouth American Immigrants in the United States
The South American immigrant population in the United States has grown at a faster rate than that of the overall foreign-born population, amid crises in Venezuela, Colombia, and elsewhere. Yet South...
View ArticleBangladesh’s Economic Vitality Owes in Part to Migration and Remittances
For a young country, Bangladesh has a complex migration history, with periods of forced migration during the partition of India and Pakistan as well as the 1971 war of independence. In recent years,...
View ArticleHow Immigrants and Their U.S.-Born Children Fit into the Future U.S. Labor...
The level of education and training expected of workers in the United States has increased considerably in recent decades, and this trend looks set to continue. This report explores the forces driving...
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