Channel: Migration Policy Institute - Immigrant Profiles & Demographics
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The State of Global Mobility in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic

While human mobility globally has largely recovered from its pandemic-era drop, it is undergoing considerable change. The causes are diverse, from climate shocks and shifting economic conditions to...

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Immigrant Veterans in the United States

Immigrants have served in the U.S. armed forces since the nation's founding. In recent years, a growing share of U.S. military veterans are immigrants, due to shrinking numbers of veterans overall and...

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Mexico at a Crossroads Once More: Emigration Levels Off as Transit Migration...

Mexico is the source of the world’s second-largest migrant population. In recent years the country has found itself at an unexpected crossroads: Managing the transit of growing numbers of asylum...

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Inmigrantes sudamericanos en Estados Unidos

La población inmigrante sudamericana en Estados Unidos ha crecido a un ritmo superior al de la población total nacida en el extranjero, en base a las crisis de Venezuela, Colombia y otros países. Aun...

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A Small Country with a Huge Diaspora, Ireland Navigates Its New Status as an...

Tens of millions of people globally claim Irish heritage, due to the country’s long history of emigration to places such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. In recent years,...

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Middle Eastern and North African Immigrants in the United States

Immigration to the United States from the Middle East and North Africa is longstanding and multifaceted. Compared to other immigrants, those from the Middle East and North Africa are more likely to be...

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Peru’s Historical Anxiety about Asian Immigration May Have a Contemporary Twist

Immigration from China and Japan to Peru in the 19th and 20th centuries has had a lasting impact on the South American country. These immigrants arrived to fill labor market needs, but later...

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Leveraging Digital Skills: Immigrant-Origin High School Graduates Offer a...

With immigrants and their U.S.-born children expected to drive all net growth in the future labor force, there is a significant opportunity to leverage the digital skills of immigrant-origin adults to...

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East Africa’s Economic Powerhouse and Refugee Haven, Kenya Struggles with...

Kenya's relative peace, stability, and economic growth have made it an attractive destination for economic migrants, tourists, and refugees from troubled neighboring countries. Regional instability and...

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Naturalized Citizens in the United States

Becoming a U.S. citizen is a significant milestone for many immigrants, providing them with the same privileges and responsibilities as the U.S. born and deepening their integration into their new...

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Diverse Flows Drive Increase in U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Population

MPI estimates 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants lived in the United States as of mid-2022, up from 11.2 million a year earlier. While the country has witnessed high levels of arrivals at the...

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Immigrants from the Dominican Republic in the United States

The United States is home to about three-quarters of all Dominican migrants worldwide. Dominicans comprise one of the largest group of U.S. Caribbean immigrants, and most live in the New York City...

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Inmigrantes de la República Dominicana en Estados Unidos

Mientras que los inmigrantes de la República Dominicana representan solo el 3 por ciento de un total de 46.2 millones de inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, esta población esta creciendo mucho más rápido...

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U.S. Legal Pathways for Mexican and Central American Immigrants, by the Numbers

Policymakers across the Americas are weighing whether and how to expand legal migration pathways as alternatives to unauthorized movement. But what pathways already exist, and how widely are they used?...

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Beyond the “Black Jobs” Controversy: Immigrants and U.S.-Born Black Workers...

The controversy over whether immigrants have taken "Black jobs" obscures the reality that U.S. job growth has been such that foreign-born workers' growing share of the U.S. labor market and expanded...

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College-Educated Immigrants in the United States

A rising number of immigrants in the United States are college educated. Nearly half of recent arrivals come with a college degree, well in excess of the 36 percent for all U.S.-born adults. This...

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Switzerland Comes to Terms with Being a Country of Immigration

Immigration has shaped modern Switzerland, at times in ways different than expected. Its foreign-born population share is larger than that of many other European countries or the United States. Yet the...

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Mexican Immigrants in the United States

The number of Mexican immigrants in the United States dropped by about 1 million from 2010 to 2022, but has since rebounded to an extent while remaining below its peak. Mexicans are by far the largest...

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Inmigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos

Los mexicanos son el mayor grupo de inmigrantes en Estados Unidos, con cerca del 23 por ciento del total de 47.8 millones de residentes nacidos en el extranjero en 2023. Este artículo de enfoque...

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Explainer: Who Are Immigrants in the United States?

With immigration a central focus in U.S. public and policy conversations, it is useful to have a solid understanding of the foreign-born population. This explainer offers statistics on the immigrant...

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